The international versions changed this to just capitalizing the first letter of the words. The banners announcing phase changes have their letters in all caps in the Japanese version, just like in every version of Path of Radiance.Similarly, while the Holy Crown is necessary for Mist to promote in the Japanese version, this is not so in the Western releases, as she will automatically promote in the latter the moment she reaches Level 21.As part of this change, the number of obtainable Master Crowns was reduced from 11 in the Japanese version to 5 in localized versions. In the localised versions of Radiant Dawn, second tier beorc units can change class by reaching level 21, thus nullifying the limitation imposed on the number of third tier usable beorc units. Class change requirements for advanced units were altered: In the Japanese version, an advanced beorc unit required a Master Crown to promote to the third tier and could not do so by maximizing their level.Four new base conversations were added: three conversations in A Reason to Fight to provide the three new weapons, and a fourth in The Price, where Nico re-appears.Three new items unique to the localised versions of the game were added as personal weapons for Edward, Leonardo and Nolan: Caladbolg, Lughnasadh and Tarvos respectively.The European version removes a direct reference to forging points, but it is still alluded to. However, some of the game's text, such as the dialog for when the merchants first join, still refers to forging points. The Japanese version's Forge Points system was cut in the western version of the forge system: In the Japanese version, 50 Forge Points were needed to Forge a weapon, which could be earned by selling weapons, with the amount of points earned depending on the Weapon Rank of the weapon sold.Battle Saves were added to the Easy and Normal Modes.Unlike in Path of Radiance however, the difficulty modes were only changed at their names. The difficulty modes-Normal, Hard, and Maniac-were renamed Easy, Normal, and Hard in the localization.Resolve's activation changed from requiring 20% HP or less to 50% HP or less, and the activation rate was changed from Strength% to 100%.Wrath's activation changed from requiring 20% HP or less to 30% HP or less, and the activation rate was changed from Skill% to 100%.Two skills had their activation rates altered to make them much easier and safer to trigger:.Edward and Leonardo had both their starting level and their starting stats increased.A character illustration gallery was added, featuring many new character illustrations.Released in North America November 11, 2007. February 22, 2007, the first release of the game.English text differences Timeline of version differences Japanese release